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Monday, November 3, 2014

A Maiden's Mystery

Hello dear creatures of the world and Happy Halloween! Jayden here! Mr. Robert still nowhere to be found, probably shooting or trick-or-treating, though I'm pretty sure it's been two days since Halloween but month of spooks has yet to end. 

So here I am, bringing you another lovely yet eery shot from Mr. Robert's recent shots. Sine it's Halloween and all, I'm happy he tried to fit the theme in this time.

So I would wonder if you guys would love it. 

"Depth of Beauty"

Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: 18-105 mm

This has would be the least shot I like Mr. Robert took. I honestly love dolls, the more eery it is the more mysterious and lovely they look, unless they're deformed and amputated and all, When he took this shot, he aimed for showing the grace and beauty of this porcelain geisha doll, yet to the depth of the shadow it just given more mystery and unsettling feeling about. 

It's not like I'm scared, moreover, I was fascinated of how beauty can be measure in terms of where to expose it.

The depth of beauty shines in the light is a child of the sun, yet the beauty that shines in the darkest corners is illuminated by the silvery reflection of the moon.

Mystery comes in the Depths of Beauty.

Spooky, yet admiring. Japanese women were always admired for their dolls like face, porcelain skin, and elegant features, many folklore about these Japanese women tells us about their threat to people. Their beauty can be hypnotizing, and would lead you to your own death.

As a women, have you found the depth of your beauty?

And for men, have you been aware, and prepared for this depth of death?

Trick or Treat. Hehe.

Have a pleasant night.

All right's reserved. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stepping Stones

Greetings, secretary Jayden Locket here. Nice to see you again.
Don't expect for me to be replace by the real owner anytime soon. Anyway, I'm here to deliver his first spectacular shot, come one, come all! -in a ringmaster outfit-

Alright, this is one of my personal favorites, do you know why? This shot reminds me of enchantment. My childhood consists of daydreams, where I always hope to visit lakes and shallow rivers to see clear waters that let me see shiny pebbles and fishes swim across. Following the current where it leads you to another world. The rocks and crystallize waters seems to form a portal that will lead you to another dimension. Nature is really something.

It's also a Philippine folklore that waters of rivers, lakes, and waterfalls may lead you to another world-world of unseen creatures to be exact. Water is pure and for cleansing, it serves as a holy item for purification. It possesses mythical powers that keeps one healthy and alive. There are places in the country that states this as a fact for many have been enchanted and disappear near these place. (or mainly because they've been washed away) but never seen their body.

So the next time you feel like having a picnic or go fishing near bodies of water, watch out for enchanting waters that might take you to a whole new world!

That actually sounds good to me. But I'm nowhere near them currently. <-- Homebound.

 Anyway, I prefer to label them.

"Lake of Portals"


Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: 18-105 mm

[Black & White Dramatic Tone]

I almost spitted out how this shot was taken, oh well, I'll probably reveal it sooner or later. I have to ask Sharpshot about that.

I promise you, you wouldn't believe how these beautiful shots were taken.

I'm happy that Sharpshot's forte is nature photography. This obviously not a bad start for a beginner, isn't it?

Would love to hear your thoughts.

While I, Jayden,  voluntary Secretary of Mr. Sharpshot, hopefully will see you soon and bring you more. I hope you enjoyed it.

I do warn you of copyrighting Sharpshot's work.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cutting The Red Ribbon

Hello there, this account has been here for the fact that the owner is too lazy to even start and managing his /own/ blog.

So I'm here, as a substitute, and you might also say a secretary, show Vincent's works. He's the type of person who can get so passionate into something, and works hard for it. But no matter how much effort he pout, he seems to think so low of himself. I  want to change this, cause I want him to be happy and reach his full potential.

I honestly appreciate his every work. And it is quite magnificent, it's not something to be ignorant about, whether it's in a mediocre or level or not. Even so, he never sees it that way, I'm helping him, I need your help to convince him to see his worth.

So, will you please? It's not that I'm forcing everyone to actually say that his works are good. I want you to judge it, To at least give some critic, good or bad, whether it needs improvement or has it changed and leveled up. Just simple words could make it change.

SO thank you for taking the time reading this. It doesn't matter though, just appreciate his art is already enough for me.

As for these photos I'm referring to, I'll be posting the up soon.

Godbless, see you soon.

Jayden Locket, representative of Sharpshot Photography